Comprehensive Insurance For Bike: All You Need To Know

Comprehensive Insurance For Bike or two wheeler insurance


As per the law of India, all vehicles in the country must be insured; no matter whether you possess a bike or a car. If you can’t afford comprehensive insurance for bike, then it is necessary at least to get third-party insurers.

If someone runs the bike or car without insuring it, then it is a legal offense. So, to avoid commencing any legal offense you need to purchase insurance for your vehicle. So, if you are planning to purchase insurance for your bike, then why not comprehensive insurance for the bike?

Comprehensive insurance for bike comes with a handful number of benefits with it. So, let’s know in detail about the comprehensive insurance for the bike in this article below:

What Is Two Wheeler Or Bike Insurance?

Table of Contents

two wheeler insurance policy


Two-wheeler insurance basically gives assurance against a third-party liability if an individual is harmed. Bike insurance gives the answer for cover the misfortune, monetary dangers, or harms that might come because of the harm brought about by bikes. This bike insurance cover gives extensive security against all bikes mopeds and bikes.

TP cost is under 80% with two wheels. Save however much 85% when consolidating insurance with IRDAI endorsed items. All investment funds are conveyed at a satisfactory expense by the guarantors under IRFDAI plans. Standard C and D conditions will be thought of. The best plans incorporate DIGIT, United India Royal Sundaram, and New India.


A two-wheeler safety net provider covers your vehicle or bike against street mishaps, catastrophic events and/or robbery. A bike safety net provider strategy covers harms in a bike and their legitimate liability towards third gatherings. With us you can buy your bike at moderate costs. We are satisfied to give a fast answer for your insureds.

What Is Comprehensive Insurance For Bike?

two wheeler insurance online

Purchasing comprehensive insurance for the bike is as mandatory as wearing a helmet while you ride your bike. In addition, for the legal requirement as per the law in India, vehicle insurance is mandatory for each and every bike owner in India to ensure their peace of mind and safety while they ride their bike.

On the off chance that you are running hard on your accounts, you can generally go for the base protection required, that is Third-party Liability arrangement. Although, this won’t cover the harms that might be caused to your own vehicle or the therapeutic costs that you may need to hold up because of a mishap.

In the event that you possess a top-of-the-line vehicle, you may need to shed out a ton of cash from your pocket for fix charges, and so forth or for medicinal costs which can go up significantly if the mishap is major.

On the other hand, Comprehensive insurance for the bike will provide the policyholder with widespread coverage for each and every kind of unexpected action so that he or she can enjoy an entirely hassle-free ride.


It is mandatory in India to purchase an insurance policy for the vehicle; that is set by the Indian Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. Comprehensive insurance for bike protects its driver from any injury while offering monetary protection to the policyholder.

Types of Bike Insurance Plans Or Two-Wheeler in India

two wheeler insurance renewal


Comprehensively, there are for the most part three kinds of two-wheeler insurance policies offered by insurance organizations in India. You can purchase Third Party bike insurance and Comprehensive bike insurance. See underneath for more data:

Third-Party Bike Insurance Cover Or Two-Wheeler Plans

As the name recommends, third-party bike insurance protects the rider against every one of the lawful commitments that emerge out of making harm to the third party. The third-party, here, can be property or an individual.

Third-party bike insurance covers you against any liabilities that you’ve arrived upon yourself for making incidental harm to another person’s property or vehicle.

It likewise covers your liabilities towards making inadvertent wounds a third-party individual, including his demise.

Indian Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 commands any individual who possesses a two-wheeler, be it a bike or bike, to host substantial third-gathering bike insurance if handling on open streets in the country. The individuals who don’t agree with the standard will be at risk to suffer gigantic consequences.

Comprehensive Cover For Bike Insurance

Comprehensive bike insurance or two-wheeler that secures the rider against any own harm to his vehicle notwithstanding the outsider lawful liabilities.

It safeguards your bike from episodes of fire, normal cataclysms, burglary, mishaps, man-made fiascos, and related afflictions.

It likewise furnishes you with individual mishap cover on the off chance that you support any unintentional wounds while riding your bike.

Personal Accident Cover

It is an extra cover to improve your two-wheeler insurance policy or bike insurance plan. It is required by law to claim a PA Cover in India. While your bike insurance strategy covers harms to your bike, the PA Cover gives monetary security in case of inability/passing while at the same time riding a two-wheeler.

Comprehensive vs Third Party Two Wheeler Insurance

comprehensive bike insurance plan vs Third Party Two Wheeler Insurance


There are two kinds of bike insurance arrangements in the Indian market – Third party bike insurance and comprehensive bike insurance. The comprehensive bike strategy gives more extensive inclusion and shields your bike from unplanned harms, artificial liabilities, mobs, burglary, and regular harm.

The accompanying table sets out which will recognize two approaches and enable you with pertinent data on your bike. Cruiser insurance up to 80% off.

You can get your arrangement within 3 minutes. Cruiser insurance from 480. Purchase a bike to pay 1000. More subtleties can be acquired on the connection on this site.

Difference Between Coverage:

Comprehensive Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

A comprehensive two-wheeler insurance strategy offers inclusion for own harm just as outsider liabilities – substantial wounds/demise and property harm brought about by the protected’s vehicle.

Third-Party Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

The third-party bike or two-wheeler insurance strategy offers inclusion just for outsider liabilities – injury/passing/property harm of the outsider brought about by the protected’s vehicle.

Difference Between Nature of requirement:

Comprehensive Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

The comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy is an optional yet recommended policy.

Third-Party Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

It’s compulsory to have no less than a third-party insurance plan as per the Indian Motor Tariff.

Difference Between Add-ons Availability:

Comprehensive Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

Add-on covers like Consumables Cover, Roadside assistance Cover, Zero Depreciation Cover, and so many more can be decided on with this plan against an additional premium.

Third-Party Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

Add-on covers can’t be decided on with this plan.

Difference Between Cost:

Comprehensive Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

It’s comparatively costlier since it offers widespread coverage.

Third-Party Bike Insurance or Two Wheeler Insurance

It’s comparatively profitable since it offers slight coverage.

Coverage & Benefits Of The Comprehensive Insurance For Bike:

compulsory personal accident cover in comprehensive insurance policy


Comprehensive insurance for the bike not only covers the policyholder from the theft case and third-party liabilities but also provides sufficient coverage for innumerable situations.

Along with the coverage, comprehensive insurance for bikes provides a lot of benefits to its customers. Check out the coverage and the benefits of the comprehensive insurance for bikes below:

Damage Or Loss Because Of Manmade Disasters:


Damages or losses produced due to catastrophes generated by human movements including:




Malicious act


Terrorist activity

Accident by an external means

Any damage due to Elevator, Lift, Road accident, Inland waterway, etc.

Damage Or Loss Because Of Natural Disasters:

two wheeler insurance plans insured vehicle

Damage or loss caused to the vehicle because of any of the subsequent natural calamity including

Fire explosion


Self-ignition or lightning










Rockslide and


Private Accident Cover:

wheeler insurance policy online with insured declared value for personal accident


The personal accident coverage provides INR 1 lakh by all comprehensive bike insurance corporations for the driver or owner in case of permanent complete disability or accidental death.

This personal accident cover is compulsory under any comprehensive insurance for the bike or two-wheeler insurance.

Financial or Third Party Legal Liabilities:

two wheeler insurance premium online


Comprehensive insurance for bike provides cover against any financial or legal liabilities including unintentional death of the third party or any damage occurred to the property of a third party.

A comprehensive insurance policy covers the legal liability towards a third party property or person caused due to an accident or mishap.

The coverage includes damage or loss to the property, damage of two-wheeler parts, and bodily injuries or demise of a third party caused due to a collision with the insured bike at the time of an accident or mishap.

Add-on Covers

two wheeler insurance policy


The comprehensive two-wheeler insurance plan opens the alternative to remember add-for covers in the arrangement.

By paying some additional premium alongside the standard measure of premium, you can benefit from various extra covers which contain

Roadside Assistance Cover

Zero Depreciation Cover

No Claim Bonus (NCB) protection

Return to invoice, and so many more.

These extra covers support you during the case settled after a mishap or terrible occasion. So, let’s now check out the add-ons of the two-wheeler insurance plan or the bike insurance plan below…

Personal Belongings – Theft/Damage

Helmets are important to avoid brain damages while riding the bike. Safeguard your helmet with the add-on cover, which will definitely cover the replacement/repair expenses of helmets if an accident, natural disaster, theft, riots, or fire.

Zero Depreciation Cover

The worth of your two-wheeler will depreciate with time because of wear and tear. With the Zero Depreciation cover, this insurance company will pay the expense of the replacement of several parts without subtracting the depreciation.

Roadside Assistance

A punctured tire in the street can be problematic. With this extra, our specialists will assume the liability to supplant/fix the punctured tire and save you from all the problems during this breakdown.

Outstation Emergency

If your bike separates or meets with a mishap outside a 100 km sweep of your place of home, the insurance organization will pay the sum as determined in the extra cover.

Key Protect

Key Protect add-on cover will get you against the expense of supplanting the bike’s key on the off chance that it is taken, lost, or harmed. Likewise, profit installment for the maintenance or substitution of the lock-set, whenever required.


The insurance organization will take care of the expense of consumable things, for example, motor oil, nut, and fastener, screw, oils, oil, refined water, and things of comparable nature with the exception of fuel burned-through during the maintenance of your bike.

Bike Engine Protect Cover

Bike Engine add-on cover will pay for the expense of fix or supplant portions of the motor because of harms in light of floods, not utilizing the bike for quite a while, spillage of coolant/greasing up oil, and hydrostatic lock.

Protection Against Death:

buying two wheeler insurance and add on cover


If the rider of a bike passes on because of a mishap delivered when the individual was running the two-wheeler, comprehensive insurance for the bike will then, at that point guarantee that the policyholder’s relatives or of the dead individual’s relatives are redressed.

Pillion Rider Cover


This Pillion Rider Cover is an extra cover that can be remembered for comprehensive insurance intend to get the security cover for different riders.

The cover is intended to pay out the costs of clinical help gave to the traveler on the bike after a mishap.

The inclusion under this cover will be offered for incomplete or super durable incapacity or passing of the pillion rider.

Safeguards Your Own Bike

A comprehensive bike insurance plan offers inclusion to your two-wheeler against any mishap or disaster.

Likewise, it ensures your bike against the harms or misfortunes brought about by other normal catastrophes like floods, quakes, waves, tempests, and so forth, and artificial exercises like robbery, thievery, riots, etc.

If there should arise an occurrence of complete misfortune or the harm/misfortune to your bike is unrecoverable then in such situations, the policyholder can guarantee the IDV of the bike.


The comprehensive insurance for the bike is viewed as the most ideal decision for all bike riders who are thinking about buying an insurance strategy for the vehicles. As it covers a wide scope of harms and misfortunes too guarantee the expenses gained by the policyholder because of a mishap.

What Are The Factors That Decide The Payments For A Comprehensive Insurance For Bike?

buy two wheeler insurance or bike insurance comprehensive

A few components decide the charge of your bike insurance strategy. Look at the rundown of top factors that influence your two-wheeler insurance expense. The premium of the comprehensive insurance for bikes depends on the following facts:

Type of the vehicle

Essential models draw in a lower level of inclusion prompting lower expenses. Then again, a very good quality bike will require a more extensive scope of inclusion, consequently, drawing in a higher measure of premium.

Place of the Registration

Where you will ride your bike influences your premium as specific spots, like metropolitan urban areas, have higher danger openness. The superior sum will increment as the degree of hazard openness rises.


The degree of inclusion of your approach to a great extent influences your top-notch sum. You will pay a lesser sum for an outsider risk plan when contrasted with a comprehensive arrangement that will give more extensive inclusion and consequently, will draw in a higher premium.

Engine Cubic Capacity (CC)

Motor CC is straightforwardly corresponding to your superior rates. This implies higher motor CC will make you pay a higher measure of premium.

Age of vehicle

The age of your bike is conversely relative to its fairly estimated worth or IDV because of deterioration. In this manner, the higher the age of your vehicle, the lesser will be the exceptional sum that you will be needed to pay.

Age of the Insured:

The age of the safeguarded additionally decides the superior rate. More youthful riders are accepted to have higher danger openness when contrasted with moderately aged riders.

Subsequently, the more the age of the guaranteed, the lesser will be the exceptional sum that you’ll need to pay.


In case you pick the intentional deductible, your backup plan will offer you a rebate on your exceptional decreasing the general add up to be paid.

Installed Security Device:

In case you have introduced security gadgets to upgrade the well-being of your vehicle, your guarantor will offer you a lesser premium sum.

Sum Insured or the Insured’s Declared Value i.e. IDV

IDV represents Insured Declared Value. It’s the greatest sum that your insurance organization would give you, in the event that your two-wheeler gets taken or gets totally harmed.

Expenses are a significant angle to be thought of while picking a bike insurance strategy yet remember to actually take a look at the Insured announced worth of your bike preceding purchasing an insurance strategy.

Additionally, it’s strongly prescribed to choose a higher IDV as at the hour of complete loss of your two-wheeler, a high IDV would mean a higher repayment sum.

No Claim Bonus (NCB):

NCB or No Claim Bonus empowers you to get a rebate on your premium at the hour of recharging on the off chance that you have not made any cases. Consequently, NCB decreases the top-notch that you are needed to pay.

What Are The Exclusions Of The Comprehensive Insurance For Bike?

zero depreciation bike insurance plans


There are some factors that will not be covered by the comprehensive insurance for the bike. These factors are as follows:

  • Electrical or mechanical breakdown of the vehicle
  • The general aging of vehicle
  • Normal wears & tears of vehicle
  • Damage or loss produced because of war, nuclear risks, or riots
  • If an accident occurs outer the geographical borderline as declared in your comprehensive insurance for the bike
  • If driven without a valid license or driven under an influence of liquor or alcohol


Damage of wear & tear such as tubes and tires will not be covered unless the bike itself gets damaged together. For such cases, the risk of the organization ends up constrained to half of the expense of substitution.

Reasons to Buy A Comprehensive Bike Insurance Policy Online?

bike insurance policies


With regards to buying a bike insurance plan, you can get it either disconnected or on the web. Notwithstanding, in the present situation, purchasing an approach online is more useful for policyholders because of which each insurance organization is making its arrangements accessible on the web.

Here are some critical realities that you ought to consider prior to buying two-wheeler insurance on the web:

Issuance Of Quick Policy

The online acquisition of a bike insurance strategy could cause you to get the approach archives in your letterbox inside a couple of moments because of fast arrangement issuance by the guarantors.

No Additional Charges 

By buying a bike insurance plan on the web, you save yourself from paying any extra charges to specialists, which makes the buy interaction conservative.

Easy Purchase Process

You won’t be needed to give past bike insurance strategy subtleties to your insurance organization if your approach has been terminated for over 90 days.

Paperless Procedures

You will get benefits identified with a bike insurance plan without getting into drawn-out administrative work with paperless systems through an online office.

Easy Renewal of Policy

You can without much of a stretch restore your terminated bike insurance strategy online by making the installment online through the site of your insurance organization.

Claim Settlement Assistance

With the online buy, you can get help while making a case for your bike or two-wheeler for its settlement.

Anytime Online Support

Online help is consistently accessible on the site of the safety net provider or insurance stages to assist you with any insurance-related question through chatbox, email, and so forth

How to Save on Bike Insurance Premium?

expired bike insurance policy


There are a few different ways through which you can save money on your two-wheeler insurance expense without thinking twice about your arrangement inclusion. Look at them beneath:

Know Your Vehicle’s Age:

Know about the extended period of production of your bike. This is on the grounds that more established cruisers draw in lower premium rates due to having a lower Insured Declared Value (IDV).

Claim your NCB:

No Claim Bonus is compensated for each guarantee-free year. You can use your NCB to benefit yourself limits on your premium without decreasing your inclusion level.

Choose the CC of Your Bike Wisely:

Picking the motor cubic limit or CC of your vehicle is significant on the grounds that higher CC draws in a higher premium. In this manner, you need to pick the motor CC carefully.

Install Safety Devices:

You ought to consider wellbeing gadgets that can improve the security of your bike. This is on the grounds that your safety net provider will take perception of your establishment and will offer a rebate on your premium.

Opt for a Higher Voluntary Deductible:

Deductibles decline the safety net provider’s obligation towards the case sum as you pay a specific portion of the sum from your own pocket. Subsequently, in the event that you select a high deliberate deductible, your backup plan will recognize it by offering lower premium rates.

Best Two Wheeler Insurance Plans

risk factors motor insurance


Two Wheeler Insurance Plans beginning at Rs. 2 every day. Purchase and think about two-wheeler insurance plans or a bike insurance policy online for your bike. You would now be able to recharge your lapsed bike insurance strategy online from the premier safety net providers with the most reduced expenses in only 30 seconds.

Lowest Premium Guarantee on the Insurance Plan

No Inspection, No Extra Charges

Quick Policy Issuance

  • Bajaj Allianz Two Wheeler Insurance
  • Bharti AXA Two Wheeler Insurance
  • Digit Two Wheeler Insurance
  • Edelweiss Two Wheeler Insurance


bike insurance policy comprehensive two wheeler insurance company


Q. Can I insure my bike after 15 years?

A. In any case, add-on covers can be added to the vehicle as long as 15 years of age. You can pick additional items like Passenger Cover, Zero Dep Cover, Medical Cover, and embellishments cover.

You should pay an additional premium to the profit of these covers. You should attempt to stay away from little cases the measure of which you can manage.

Q. Which two-wheeler insurance is the best comprehensive or third party?

A. There are two kinds of bike insurance arrangements in the Indian market – Third party bike insurance and comprehensive bike insurance.

The comprehensive bike strategy gives more extensive inclusion and shields your bike from unplanned harms, artificial liabilities, mobs, burglary, and regular harm.

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