CNG Auto Rickshaw Insurance | IGL Suraksha Yojana

CNG auto rickshaw insurance


CNG or Compressed Natural Gas, is a natural gas under pressure that remains non-corrosive, clear, and odorless – and thus we can use it as a greener, cheaper, as well as a more efficient substitute to the traditional diesel and petrol fuels for vehicles. And to motivate the Usage of CNG, the Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) Suraksha Yojana will provide CNG auto rickshaw insurance to drivers. Let’s know in details about it

What Is CNG Auto Rickshaw?

What Is CNG Auto Rickshaw


CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is mostly comprised of methane gas which, similar to gasoline, produces the engine power when mixed with air as well as fed into the engine’s fire chamber. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is compressed so that sufficient fuel can be stored in the vehicle to cover the driving range, just like the gasoline tank in your vehicles.

What We Don’t Know About CNG:

Using CNG in your vehicle has plenty of advantages, but it also has some disadvantages too. So, let’s know about CNG’s advantages as well as its disadvantages…




Effective Cost Savings

The preliminary expense is a little too much, which is truly a disadvantage. But fortunately, the expense can be rapidly recovered in just a few months.

Greater Safety

Want safety as well as value for your money? Compressed Natural Gas promises to be a safer substitute for diesel and petrol. It is not inflammable as well as it emits less Carbon Dioxide (CO2) making it eco-friendly.

Better Efficiency And Mileage

Subsequent to fitting the CNG pack, you would see a huge improvement in your vehicle’s mileage. Less fuel expected to cover a similar separation. In addition, CNG costs about half or the greater part of Petrol.


Saving about a thousand rupees per month in fuel expenses is not bad after all. Unquestionably, CNG is a much more effectual.




Not Readily Available

All petroleum stations do not offer CNG. It implies you would need to remain in long ques alongside cart drivers when you need to top off. Truth be told, it could take as long as 15 minutes to top off.

Takes Up Excessive Boot Space

A CNG pack could possess up to half of your boot. This relies upon the size of your vehicle. On the off chance that long excursions with bunches of baggage is your thing, steer away from CNG packs.

Convertibility And Licensing

Not all vehicles are good with the CNG fuel framework. You need government endorsements before getting the pack introduced. A line of conventions incorporates getting the Registration Certificate (RC) marked with a ‘fuel change’ seal. Post that you can begin utilizing the CNG unit.

What is IGL Surakhsa Yojana For CNG Auto Rickshaw Insurance?

What is IGL Surakhsa Yojana For CNG Auto Rickshaw Insurance


IGL Suraksha Yojana is an enterprise being started by Indraprastha Gas Limited under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. Under this CNG auto rickshaw insurance scheme, an amount of 1.5 Lakh rupees would be compensated to the nominee for the Death of the Driver in an accident while driving the CNG auto rickshaw.

An extra measure of INR 25000 rupees towards kids’ training remittance per kid subject to a limit of INR 50000 rupees for 2 youngsters would likewise be paid to the family in such cases.

  • In case of partial disability, a graded compensation from INR 1500/- to INR 75000/- would be compensated to the driver.
  • Just in case of permanent disability which may lead to loss of service, then a lump sum equivalent to 100 percent is allocated to such insured individual.
  • In case of an accident needful treatment for crack an extreme sum of INR 10000/- would be paid to the driver.

The protection approach is being given through Oriental Insurance Company in the principal year and IGL would be paying a premium for the arrangement to cover drivers of about 2.5 lakh CNG run open vehicle vehicles working in the capital.

IGL Suraksha Yojana would be completely free for the drivers and the strategy for a case would be very straightforward. The case structures would be accessible at all CNG stations of IGL as the workplace of Oriental Insurance Company in the capital.

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However, receiving of claim will be subject to the auto-rickshaw driver having a lawful driving license as well as the CNG mode being permitted on Registration Certificate at the time of the accident.

Noticeable Features Of the IGL Suraksha Yojana

Noticeable Features Of the IGL Suraksha Yojana


The Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas, M. Veerappa Moily just as Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dikshit, on 31 July 2013 propelled the IGL Suraksha Yojana in Delhi.

IGL Suraksha Yojana is the gathering mishap protection plot for around 2.5 lakh drivers of CNG-run open vehicle vehicles in Delhi. So, here are the salient features of this CNG Auto Rickshaw insurance scheme

  • IGL would be paying the premium adding up to around 35 lakh Rupees for the protection conspire, which at present whenever offered through Oriental Insurance Company.
  • The activity was propelled for the benefit of the vehicle society.
  • IGL, which is a joint endeavor of Petroleum Ministry BPCL, PSUs GAIL, and Government of NCT of Delhi has just embraced an enormous development customized in NCT of Delhi just as NCR for making PNG and CNG auto rickshaw insurance accessible over all the urban areas.
  • The city gas appropriation (CGD) system would be extended to 330 urban areas. At present, this is accessible in 45 urban communities giving CNG auto rickshaw insurance to about 16.5 lakh vehicles.
  • Under this plan, a measure of INR 1.5 lakh would be paid to the chosen ones in the event of Death of a Driver in a mishap while driving the CNG auto rickshaw insurance
  • The IGL Suraksha Yojana is an activity being attempted by IGL under its CSR program.
  • Aside from this, an extra measure of INR 25000 towards youngsters’ instruction remittance per kid subject to a limit of INR 50000 for 2 kids would likewise be paid to the family in such cases.
  • In the event of a mishap where there is a necessity of treatment for a break, a most extreme total of INR 10000 would be paid to the driver.
  • The protection arrangement is being given through Oriental Insurance Company in the primary year and IGL would be paying a premium for the strategy to cover drivers of almost INR 2.5 lakh CNG auto rickshaw insurance working in the capital.
  • On account of the changeless incapacity, which prompts loss of work, a single amount equivalent to 100 percent will be paid to such a protected individual.
  • IGL Suraksha Yojana would be totally free for the drivers. Likewise, the strategy for the case would be kept basic.
  • In the event of the halfway incapacity, an evaluated remuneration from INR 1500 to INR 75000 would be paid to the driver.
  • The case structures would be accessible at all CNG stations of IGL as the workplace of Oriental Insurance Company in the capital.
  • If there should be an occurrence of the demise guarantee, the chosen one should submit duplicates of FIR, after death report, viscera report, a duplicate of the driving permit of the expired, and duplicate of RC of the open vehicle being driven.
  • The acknowledgment of the case would be dependent upon the driver having a substantial driving permit and the CNG auto rickshaw insurance mode being supported on RC at the hour of the mishap.
  • On account of the inability, the case would need to be upheld by a testament from the legislature affirmed board.