Mobile Insurance India: Know What Are The Top Companies

mobile insurance India


Gone are those days when people used to use one function products. Just with a swipe of the smartphone, you can now complete plenty of tasks at a lightning fast speed. So, it is very important to make sure that the Smartphone always stays protected in the case of a mishap. For this reason, you should buy mobile insurance India for your smartphone’s safety.

What is Mobile Insurance India?

Mobile Insurance plan is an approach to safeguard you from facing any financial loss due to the need of repairing or replacing your mobile. Mobile insurance India allows one to face any risk and protect them from it.

However, over the previous few years, the mobile industry has experienced huge changes. From being a thing of luxury, the smartphones now have become a need, assisting us in more or less everything that we need to do.

Why do we need to buy Mobile Insurance


Why do we need to buy Mobile Insurance?

As technology advances with time, the risk of system malfunctions, damage of handset, and hackers too have increased.

Theft of smartphones has become commonplace and thus you have to face a huge loss.

Repairing a smartphone or buying a new one can prove to be a very costly affair.

To be on the safe side from all these threats we need to buy Mobile insurance India

Benefits of Mobile Insurance in India


Benefits of Mobile Insurance in India:

If you depend on your smartphone greatly for your everyday actions and would want an instant replacement in case of damage then mobile insurance India would be great for you.

The mobile insurance helps you to safeguard your costly against damage, theft or robbery.

Depending on your mobile Insurance India, you can avail a replacement of your damaged or stolen smartphone (same brand and same model no.)

What Mobile Insurance Covers


What Mobile Insurance Covers?

Mobile insurance provides cover for numerous types of damage to your mobile. Let now look into the cover of the mobile insurance India below

In case of robbery or theft of your mobile the company will cover you

Repairing or replacing the damaged or lost mobile within just 48 hours of your reporting the occurrence

The mobile insurance Indian companies provide security for the accidental loss

Some policies offer doorstep pick-up & drop facility of your mobile for repairs

Some companies also cover for mechanical malfunctions such as damage in ear jacks, touch-screens and charging ports

More or less every mobile insurance India Cover for the liquid damage of your mobile

In some of the companies, there is an offering for “No Claim Bonus” for its policyholder during the policy renewal

Exclusions of the Mobile Insurance

Source: https:// 9to5mac . com/2014/09/30/bendgate/

Exclusions of the Mobile Insurance

Here I have listed some usual exclusion under the mobile insurance India policies. These exclusions are as follow:

The company won’t cover for mysteriously missing smartphone cases

Any deformities or harm that has been caused amid the way toward fixing or cleaning the gadget

Theft of your smartphone from vehicles or building that was left unattended are not covered by Insurance Policy Company

In the event that the harm was because of any willful or malevolent act brought about by the proprietor of the protected gadget.

If the phone gets lost or gets damaged by a third party user rather than the owner then the company won’t compensate for the loss or damage

In case of your smartphones electronic or mechanical breakdown some companies do not cover you

On the off chance that the gadget has been over-burden or explored different avenues regarding under any anomalous conditions.

In the event that any harm was caused because of the routine use of the gadget.

If any loss occurs because of change in atmospheric / climatic disorders company won’t compensate…

Top 5 Mobile Insurance India: