Get A Brief Idea About The LIC Jeevan Akshay VI Plan

LIC Jeevan Akshay VI

Source:- YouTube LIC Jeevan Akshay VI is a very popular Single Premium Pension Plan, which means by paying a single premium, you can buy the Annuity plan and after that LIC will provide you with a certain amount for the rest of your life on a regular basis. You can get this amount monthly, quarterly, … Read more

DOPT Orders On Medical Reimbursement

Employees of the central government would be relieved by the Supreme Court’s decision. A two-judge panel of the Supreme Court explicitly states in its ruling that a central government employee cannot have their medical expenses disallowed because they choose to receive emergency care at a private hospital. If an employee does not seek treatment from … Read more

Five Year Plan In India | Economic Planning

five year plan in India

Source For the rapid and overall economic development of the country, proper planning of future development plans is necessary. On March 15, 1950, the Central Government set up the Planning Commission at the national level to formulate economic plans and evaluate progress in our country. This plan is famous as the five year plan in … Read more

Universal Health Insurance Scheme

Universal Health Insurance Scheme

The government is going to launch the Universal Health Insurance Scheme to provide health and family welfare to every Indian family. This health insurance, all families will get benefits from this scheme for medical expenses, health services, personal accident cover, etc. from the insurance company. The main reason for this scheme is to provide better … Read more

Environmental Policy And Associated Schemes Introduced For Wetlands!

Environmental Policy And Associated Schemes Introduced For Wetlands1

The Ramsar direction has been received by part governments all in all, and progressively it delivers itself to the urgent jobs of different divisions past “nature” or “water” areas. It is therefore significant that these Handbooks ought to be utilized by every one of whose activities may profit by or sway upon the insightful utilization … Read more

Know About Some Important Government Schemes For Farmers

government schemes for farmers

The Indian government is working on a number of schemes to increase the income of the farmers. The aim of government schemes for farmers is to increase the farmers’ economic and mental strength. Every farmer should know and understand about these schemes so that they can take advantage of it. So, check out below what … Read more

LIC Agent Commission On PMVVY Scheme

The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) is a retirement cum pension scheme that has been undertaken by the Govt. of India on 4th May 2017 for the senior citizens of the country. This is a pension scheme for senior citizens. Under this scheme, the option of a monthly pension is mandatory for senior citizens … Read more

Schemes And Policies For Tribal People!

Schemes and policies for tribal people

Source India is a country that has a rich diversity in the assembly of religions, cultures, racial stocks, and languages. The Scheduled Tribes (ST) are one of the main classes of the backward category or factually underprivileged lowest group of the society. That is why the Indian government has provided several schemes and policies for … Read more

AB Arogyadaan Group Health Policy

AB Arogyadaan

Source AB Arogyadaan is a group health insurance plan presented by United India Insurance Company Limited and Andhra Bank. This insurance plan is precisely intended for the Andhra bank account owners. In this plan, there are two plans. In Plan A, the account owners can shelter the instant family (Spouse, Self, as well as children) … Read more