History Of Life Insurance In India: All You Need To Know

History Of Life Insurance In India

You won’t believe it but since ancient times, insurance is a part of our Indian culture. Like banking, investment, and trade, insurance also boasts a deep-rooted history of the ancient ages. To elaborate on this, neighbors and community members were obliged to help if someone’s house was damaged by a storm or a person was hurt by a natural disaster. This assistance came in the form of food, shelter, processing, etc. Over time, this process was streamlined into what we today call insurance. So, today let’s go deeper into the history of Life Insurance in India

An Overview Of Life Insurance Corporation

oriental insurance company


The contemporary form of Life Insurance originated in India from England in 1818. The Oriental Life Insurance Company started in Calcutta in the year 1818 by Europeans, was the very first life insurance company in India. Today, we are going to talk about the history of life insurance in India.

Whether you believe it or not… since ancient times, life insurance is a very essential part of Indian culture. It is just like those of banking, but the only difference is that life insurance is like investment and trade. Life insurance has a deep-rooted insurance history in India.

The history of insurance is most likely as old as the narrative of humanity. The very nature that prompts current money managers today to get themselves against misfortune and calamity existed in crude men moreover.

They too looked to even consider deflecting the underhanded outcomes of fire and flood and death toll and were ready to make a type of penance to accomplish security. However the idea of insurance is generally an improvement of the new past, especially after the modern time – recent hundreds of years – yet its beginnings date back right around 6000 years.

Extra security in its advanced structure came to India from England in the year 1818. Oriental Life Insurance Company began by Europeans in Calcutta was the main life coverage company on Indian Soil. All the insurance organizations set up during that period were raised fully intent on taking care of the necessities of the European people group and Indian locals were not being protected by these organizations.

Nonetheless, later with the endeavors of prominent individuals like Babu Muttylal Seal, the unfamiliar daily routine insurance organizations began guaranteeing Indian experiences. In any case, Indian day-to-day routines were being treated as unsatisfactory lives and substantial extra expenses were being charged to them.

Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society proclaimed the introduction of the first Indian life coverage company in the year 1870 and covered Indian lives at typical rates. Beginning as an Indian venture with profoundly devoted thought processes, insurance organizations appeared to convey the message of insurance and government-backed retirement through insurance to different areas of society.

Bharat Insurance Company (1896) was additionally one of such organizations roused by patriotism. The Swadeshi development of 1905-1907 led to more insurance organizations. United India in Madras, National Indian and National Insurance in Calcutta, and the Co-usable Assurance at Lahore were set up in 1906.

In 1907, the Hindustan Co-usable Insurance Company took its introduction to the world in one of the rooms of the Jorasanko, place of the extraordinary writer Rabindranath Tagore, in Calcutta. The Indian Mercantile, General Assurance, and Swadeshi Life (later Bombay Life) were a portion of the organizations set up during a similar period.

Preceding 1912 India had no enactment to direct insurance business. In the year 1912, the Life Insurance Companies Act, and the Provident Fund Act were passed.

The Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 made it vital that the exceptional rate tables and periodical valuations of organizations ought be affirmed by a statistician. Yet, the Act separated among unfamiliar and Indian organizations on many records, putting the Indian organizations in a difficult situation.

History of Life Insurance in India

national insurance company indian insurance companies

The history of insurance in India is more than thousands of years old. There is a mention of a concept in the Rig-Veda called “YOGAKSHEMA” which means security, prosperity, and well-being of people. Not only in Rig-Veda, but also in Arthashastra, Manusmrithi, and Dharmashastra insurance was mentioned.

In those ancient times insurance generally denotes to sharing of possessions that could have been re-distributed in times of any kind of natural disasters such as floods, fire, famine, and epidemics. This was the initial form of modern-day life insurance history in India.

Brief Periodic Presentation Of The History Of Life Insurance In India:

Here Is A Brief Periodic Presentation Of The History Of Life Insurance In India

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1818

In the year 1818, the first insurance company “Oriental Life Insurance Company in India” was established at Calcutta (now Kolkata) in India. It was the first modern life insurance company/first insurance company in India. Similarly, the “Madras Equitable Assurance Company” in Madras (Chennai) and “Bombay Life Assurance Company” of Bombay (now Mumbai) were established in 1829 and 1823 respectively.

Indians had to pay a very high premium as compared to the British residents, in the early days. “Bombay Life Insurance Company” was the very first insurance company, which was established by Indians. This company had started insuring Indian individuals without charging any additional premiums.

Oriental Life Insurance Company In The Year 1818

united india insurance company


The principal security net supplier in Quite some time was started in Calcutta, The Oriental Company (state of the art Kolkata). Bombay (Mumbai) had the Bombay Life Assurance Company. Madras (Chennai) and Madras Equitable Assurance were solidified around the completion of 1823 and 1829 independently.

In the ‘principal days’ in Indian life, they defied an incredibly high premium over the British. It was the chief insurance company made to guarantee Indians without causing additional costs. In 1818, the Bombay life-affirmation firm transformed into India’s first to begin ensuring.

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1912

indian life assurance companies

The life insurance industry was highly irregular during the early years of this century. It was only in 1912 that the Indian Life Insurance Companies Act, 1912 was passed. This act conducted insurance and eventually made it obligatory for a premium to be certified by the clerk and company valuation.

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1938

life insurance corporation act indian insurance companies act

There were approximately 176 insurance companies in India by the year 1938. The total turnover of these 176 insurances was approximately INR 300/- corer. This was at the time when the Insurance Act 1938 was passed, which was the first part of the legislation covering both life insurance and general insurance in India.


The IRDAI puts the rules under Section 114 A of Insurance Act, 1938.

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1950s

general insurance corporation insurance business in india

Although the demand for nationalization of BMA companies was going on for a while, the nationalization of insurance was achieved only after the Life Insurance Act of 1956. On September 1, in the year 1956, the Life Insurance Corporation of India/LIC of Life Insurance Corporation India was established for all Indians.

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1972

triton insurance company foreign companies

In the year 1972, the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act was passed which nationalized all general insurance companies in India. At that time 107 companies were merged with 4 companies. These four companies are as follows:

  1. Oriental Insurance Company Limited
  2. New India Assurance Company Limited
  3. United India Insurance Company Limited
  4. National Insurance Company Limited

History Of Life Insurance In India In The Year 1999

general insurance business act

According to the recommendations made by the Malhotra Committee, two things happened in the year 1999. These are:

  1. The private sector was allowed to enter the insurance business
  2. The Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India (IRDAI) was formed.


IRDAI was incorporated in April 2000 and it is now an autonomous body that works for the insurance industry in India.


indian and foreign insurers insurance companies established


Q. Which was the first life insurance company in India?

A. The Oriental Life Insurance Company started in Calcutta in the year 1818 by Europeans, was the very first life insurance company in India.

Q. When did life insurance start in India?

A. The contemporary form of Life Insurance originated in India from England in 1818. The Oriental Life Insurance Company started in Calcutta in the year 1818 by Europeans, was the very first life insurance company in India.

Q. What is the origin of insurance?

A. The contemporary form of Life Insurance originated in India from England in 1818. The history of insurance in India is more than thousands of years old. There is a mention of a concept in the Rig-Veda called “YOGAKSHEMA” which means security, prosperity, and well-being of people.

Q. How did life insurance start?

A. In the year 1818, the first insurance company “Oriental Life Insurance” was established at Calcutta (now Kolkata) in India. Read More Here

Q. Who started insurance in India?

A. In the year 1818, the first insurance company “Oriental Life Insurance” was established at Calcutta (now Kolkata) in India.

Similarly, the “Madras Equitable Assurance Company” in Madras (Chennai) and “Bombay Life Assurance Company” of Bombay (now Mumbai) were established in 1829 and 1823 respectively.

Q. Which was the first non-life insurance company set up in India?

A. In the year 1907, the Indian Mercantile Insurance Limited was set up and it was the very first corporation to transact all classes of the general insurance

Q. When was the life insurance company Nationalised?

A. On 19th January 1956, the life insurance company nationalized and the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) came into existence in the same year.

Q. What Is IRDAI?

A. IRDAI is an autonomous body that works for the insurance industry in India.

Q. Whan IRDAI was Incorporated?

A. IRDAI was incorporated in April 2000

Q. What Is The Full Form of IRDAI?

A. The full form of IRDAI is “Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority”

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