Top LIC Agent Commission Chart 2021

LIC Agent Commission Chart 2021

Now we all have an idea when some guy approaches us randomly to sell some type of insurance policy. These individuals are the employed agents by LIC. They get a certain amount of commission for their work.

But do you know how much commission these guys get? If you don’t know then keep on reading this article to know LIC Agent Commission Chart 2023. You can also check the LIC Agent Commission Chart 2020.

What Exactly Are LIC Agents?

LIC Agent Commission Chart 2021

LIC agents are authorized sales promoting agents chosen by the Life Insurance Corporation of India for their policies and plans. LIC agents generally make commissions on the products they sell. These LIC agent commission rates change every year. We have earlier mentioned the LIC Agent Commission Chart 2020. This year is it time for the LIC Agent Commission Chart 2023.

What Does It Mean By LIC Agent Commission?

how much commission

A LIC agent also gets several other advantages. Agent of LIC sells their insurance policies to the common people. In return, they receive a certain amount of money for each policy you purchase from them. Well, the sum they receive is called a commission which they earn after each premium paid by the individual purchaser of the insurance policy. And the ratio of the commission varies with the kind of policy sold by the agent.

So, here is the LIC Agent Commission Chart 2023 as of March based on the insurance policy sold as well as the different kinds of commission the LIC agents can get. You can also download the LIC Agent Commission Chart 2023 PDF online.

Also Read: How To Buy LIC Policy Online Without Agent?

How Much Commission Does A LIC Agent Get?

commission chart

In all the regular plans of LIC, 25% commission is given mostly in the first year and 40% on commission is also given as a separate bonus commission. This means you are given about 35% commission on the first year on plans of 15 years or more.

As you can also see in the above table, 7.5% commission for the second year and third year and 5% commission for all subsequent years is given by LIC of India to its agents.

In a single premium LIC policy, you are paid a commission of 2%, which is given only 1 time. Similarly, in ULIP plans you are paid a commission of 5% for the first year and only 2.5% for the subsequent years. We, at Health News Reporting, providing you with the chart here

First Year20%25%
2nd Year7.5%7.5%
3rd Year7.5%7.5%
4th Year onward5%5%
Commission2% and 5% onward2%

LIC Agent Commission Chart 2023

According to the LIC Agent Commission Details Chart 2023 given above, you must have received information about the commission received by the LIC agent. But maybe you have not understood anything, so we try to explain you through the chart given below.

If a LIC agent sells a policy with a premium of ₹ 10000 per annum to one person for 20 years. How much commission will he receive if he has a valid LIC agent license?

Year MONEY BACK TYPEENDOWMENT TYPE                                                               
1st year10000 X 25% – 250010000 X 15% – 1500
Bonus2500 X 40% – 10001500 X 40% – 600
2nd Year10000 X 7.5% – 75010000 X 10% – 1000
3rd year10000 X 7.5.% – 75010000 X 10% – 1000
4th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
5th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
6th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
7th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
8th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
9th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
10th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
11th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
12th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
13th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
14th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
15th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
16th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
17th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
18th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
19th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600
20th year10000 X 5% – 50010000 X 6% – 600


Q. How Much Is The LIC Jeevan Amar Agent Commission?

A. Agents commission under LIC Jeevan Amar is 25% for the FIRST year, 7.5% in the SECOND and THIRD years, and 5% in the following years.

Q. How Much Is The LIC Plan 914 Agent Commission?

A. Agents get 35% commission on FIRST-year premium 7.5% for the SECOND and THIRD years plus 5% commission until the policy ends.

Q. How Much Is The Jeevan Labh 936 Agent Commission?

A. LIC agent commission example for this Jeevan Labh plan is 15% for the initial 5 years. After completing 12 years, the commission will be 35%.

Q. Who Is The Highest Earning LIC Agent In India?

A. At the time of writing this article, Bharat Parekh & Ravi Jethani are the highest-earning LIC agents in India. You can check their family and educational background online. 

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