Know About Health Insurance Plans For Family In India

Health Insurance Plans For Family In India

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Medical expenditure is increasing day by day. In addition, you may have to bear any emergency medical expenses at any time. If you have not provided separate provision for this, you will have to dig in your savings or sell your property to meet the medical needs of yourself or your family. Buying health insurance plans for family in India gives you the assurance of financial stability during any medical needs.

Why We Need Health Insurance Plans For Family In India?

Medical insurance enables you to get the best health treatment. Due to the lack of funds, we can’t opt for proper medical treatment sometimes. However, having a good mediclaim can assure you of the best treatment to make health conditions better. Check out why health insurance plans for family in India is needed:

Get Coverage For Hospitalization Costs

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Get Coverage For Hospitalization Costs

In the last few years, not only medical costs but also the cost of out-patient department and clinical trials has also increased. It has further increased the importance of buying a medical insurance policy.

Health insurance policies not only provide adequate coverage of hospitalization expenses but also enable the costs incurred in diagnostic and OPD tests before and after a specific time period stated by the policy.

Modern Dynamic Lifestyle Demands Health Insurance

In the past few decades, there have been many changes in our lifestyle. Frequent travel, increased work, unhealthy eating habits, and increased levels of pollution in big cities have made us aware of the risks of new health issues. And that’s why health insurance plans for a family in India has become an essential part of our lives.

Tax Deductible

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Tax Deductible

The premiums you pay for yourself and your family under the health insurance plans for family in India are eligible to get tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Helps After Your Retirement

Your income may decrease during old age but your medical expenses will be high. However, if you already know that you have health insurance plans for family in India, you can spend even after retirement on various options.

The health insurance plan also comes with lifetime renewable facilities. You can renew your health plans till your death and there is no such age limit for this. This is going to help a lot in the later stages of your life. By getting medical insurance you will get very much flexibility and it will also reduce the burden on your children to take care of your medical expenses.

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Types Of Health Insurance Plans For Family In India

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Types Of Health Insurance Plans For Family In India:

Health Insurance plans for a family in India covers the whole family under the same premium. Actually, the health insurance scheme for a family is allocated into 2 parts:

  1. Medical insurance:- The medical insurance originally provides coverage on costs interrelated to your treatment in the hospital. Under this, the person gets the necessary handling in the arrangement of hospitalization expenses or cashless benefits.
  2. Critical Sickness Insurance Scheme:- This scheme is specially intended in a manner that provides necessary coverage against serious diseases like heart attack, kidney failure, stroke etc.


However, companies do not provide Critical Sickness Insurance Scheme as the family health strategy; you can buy the scheme as an added cover.

Different Types Of Family Health Insurance Plans Available In India

There are many insurance corporations that offer the convenience of selecting a health insurance policy to the customer. Succeeding are some of the health insurance plans for family in India from where you can purchase the best Health Insurance plans for a family in India for the security of the family:

Tata AIG Insurance Company

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Tata AIG Insurance Company

Family Insurance Plan by the Tata AIG insurance company is a family coverage plan that comes in three different types to option like

  1. Classic Plan
  2. Supreme Plan and
  3. Elite Plan.

The best part is that this scheme provides double cover facility to the policyholder. This means that if the policyholder has filed a claim in another health insurance policy, then he can also file another claim in this company.

Bajaj Allianz Health Insurance

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Bajaj Allianz Health Insurance

Family Floater Health Guard by the Bajaj Allianz Health Insurance covers your family members between the age group of 18 years to 65 years and for the dependent children, this plan covers between 3 months – 25 years.

New India Assurance Company

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New India Assurance Company

Family Fluent Mediclaim Policy by the New India Assurance policy provides cover for the dependent children of your family and people from 3 months – 60 years.

Star Health Insurance Company

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Star Health Insurance Company

Family Health Optimization Insurance Scheme by the Star Health Insurance Company provides a security cover with the facility of lifelong renewal to its policyholders. This includes pre and post-expenses in the insured’s hospital.

Max Bupa Insurance Company

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Max Bupa Insurance Company

Health Companion Family Floater Insurance Plan by the Max Bupa Insurance Company comes with one of the exclusive features. This feature includes a cover for maternity and for newborn children too. There is no lower or upper age group to take advantage of Health Insurance plans for a family in India.

SBI General Insurance Company

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SBI General Insurance Company

Smart Health Insurance by SBI General Insurance Company covers the cost of the policyholder’s hospitalization, which covers the expenses of the room, the hospital fee, the doctor’s counseling fee of the family members from 3 months to 65 years.