Progressive Business Insurance Plan Detail

Progressive Business Insurance


The business you have built after spending so much time and resources are constantly in danger of various types of risks. An unfortunate event can cause a huge financial loss in your business. Although you cannot protect your business for every possible risk, you can definitely take steps to help elevate your business through unforeseen events through the Progressive Business Insurance.

What Is Business Insurance?

what is business insurance


Progressive Commercial offers the most comprehensive and complex business insurance cover to protect your business and employees from a wide range of risks with your business insurance solutions.

As a business owner, you may have already realized that it’s easy to create profit however it’s much more complex to protect your company’s assets which help to generate profit. There are two types of business insurance plans.

Asset Business Insurance

Asset Business Insurance


The Asset Business Insurance protects all your assets from sudden as well as accidental damage. In case the assets are repairable, the insurance company will compensate for the cost of the repair and in case they are non-refundable the insurer will cover the cost of replacing it. It’ll be defined in your plan document as to what assets it will cover which may include gates, service facilities, buildings, walls, etc.

Business Liability Insurance

Business Liability Insurance


Any organization, be it commercial or non-commercial, may come under various circumstances casually, under which it becomes liable to compensate the third party for the loss. These damages and damages may arise from contracts, arrangements or unintentional torture or common law.

For the purpose of serving the interest of the organization, insurance companies have come to provide liability insurance. Liability insurance is a coverage that protects and supports the liability of the insured or insured of the organization during the policy term.

Such insurance involves the risk of a claim for damage to property or bodily injury caused by the insured’s negligence. The insurance company covers legal payments to a specified extent described in the Liability Insurance Policy and protects the insured in unfortunate circumstances.

If needed, the insurance company can also deal with third parties to settle claims out of court. However, any contractual liability which is unlimited or willfully will not cover the liabilities and is not paid by the insurance company. Exclusions depend on the insurance company and the business liability insurance and may vary from policy to policy.

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Types of Business Liability Insurance:

progressive Business Insurance plan type


  • Environmental liability
  • Credit liability
  • Commercial General Liability Insurance
  • Product Liability Insurance
  • Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
  • Director & Officers Liability Insurance (D&O)
  • Crime Insurance
  • Clinical Trial Liability Insurance

Progressive Business Insurance Plan Details:

Progressive Business Insurance Plan


Some unfortunate events can cause a huge financial burden on your business. Protect your business against a wide variety of risks with the Progressive Business Insurance plan. All your office insurance needs Looking, Progressive Business Insurance Company is the company that is best for you to buy office business insurance online.

Progressive Business insurance plan is coverage that looks after your business to protect it from financial injuries that can affect property damage, accidents, workers’ return claims, professional errors, and also other circumstances. Having correct coverage is dangerous in reducing the negative effect of statements against your trade.

Types of Coverage Provided By Progressive Business Insurance

types of Progressive business insurance


From the basic coverage to specific security, the Progressive Business Insurance plan offers various types of business insurance to let you get the accurate coverage for each phase of your trade’s development.

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So, let’s now know in details about the Progressive Business Insurance’s various types of coverage below:

Professional Liability

Professional Liability


The professional liability insurance is also known as the Errors & Omissions i.e. E&O Insurance. Professional liabilities from Progressive Business Insurance helps to protect your trade from claims of inattention related to the professional service.

Professional Liability Insurance provides security when a commerce owner is prosecuted for inattention because their effort does not meet their client’s beliefs. Commerce that frequently chooses a professional liability insurance plan includes:

  • Attorneys
  • Consultants
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Real estate agents
  • Accountants
  • Counselors
  • And more

Types of Professional Liability Coverage

The Professional liability insurance plan offers various types of coverage for your businesses including this following coverage:

Barrier Costs

Gives legitimate resistance when a secured case is accounted for

Asserted or Real Carelessness

Secures a business against real or asserted mistakes and exclusions while giving proficient administrations, for example, offering erroneous guidance, an oversight, or neglecting to convey assistance

Cases Emerging From Administrations

Proficient risk protection can likewise offer inclusion for claims emerging from administrations gave before and work performed anyplace on the planet.

It is imperative to comprehend that a general obligation approach won’t insure against these dangers. Get more data on how expert varies from general obligation.


You may also need the professional liability insurance plan while entering into the contract.

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General Liability

General Liability


The General liability insurance plan often denoted as business liability insurance. It provides coverage that protects you from various claims including personal injury, property damage, bodily injury, and also other damages that may arise from the business processes. General Business liability insurance usually includes the following:

  • Property loss liability and bodily injury
  • Advertising and personal injury
  • Medical payments
  • Damage to properties leased to you
  • Products accomplished operations


If you want to safeguard things such as personal property meant for your commercial buildings, or business such as storage facilities or garages, you might need the extra protections delivered in a Business Owners Policy (BOP).

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Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance


Cyber insurance is security against harms coming about because of electronic dangers to your PC frameworks or information. These dangers can bring about things like taken or harmed data and costly risk and recuperation costs. Inclusion choices incorporate episode reaction benefits just as first-gathering and outsider inclusion.

It’s occasionally alluded to as cybersecurity insurance or cyber chance insurance. Any business that stores or procedures touchy data like names, addresses, Social Security numbers, therapeutic records or MasterCard data needs cyber insurance.

As progressively private ventures decide to utilize and store advanced information, the requirement for this inclusion has extended to something other than the human services and banking businesses. A couple of the numerous organizations that ought to consider a cyber-arrangement include:

  • Restaurants
  • Retailers
  • Marketing companies
  • Barbers / Hair salons
  • Realtors
  • Contractors
  • Financial firms
  • Consultants

What Does the Cyber Insurance Cover?

The Cyber insurance covers an assortment of dangers that are separated into two sections:

First-party Inclusion

Spreads harm you and your business endures as a result of an information rupture. This can incorporate things like analytical administrations, business interference inclusion, and information recuperation.

Outsider Inclusion

Spreads harm if your clients or accomplices are influenced by a cyber-assault on your business. This can incorporate legitimate expenses, settlement expenses, and security disappointment and media liabilities.

How much inclusion you need relies upon your business’ particular hazard. Numerous independent ventures need higher limits that are regularly just accessible on remain solitary approaches. Littler cyber hazard arrangements can, for the most part, be added to an entrepreneur’s strategy (BOP).


Cyber insurance helps decrease the possibly distressing properties of a claim. This can cover expenses related to the IT forensics inquiry, legal liability, data restoration, and also customer notification.

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Commercial Auto

Commercial Auto


This Commercial auto insurance plan is a liability as well as physical damage security for vehicles, like vans, cars, and trucks that are intended for your business. Commercial vehicles need a separate plan because they are typically uncovered to more danger than individual means of transportation.

Commercial auto insurance plan is not just for industrialized vehicles such as dump trucks or semis. For instance, trades that utilize a vehicle to carry tools, run errands or carrying clients might as well need the commercial auto insurance policy.

Choosing auto insurance coverage that encounters your particular requirements is important to protect your income and business. A commercial vehicle insurance quote naturally includes:

  • Physical Damage
  • Liability
  • Uninsured Motorist
  • Medical Payments
  • Hired Auto
  • Any Auto
  • Non-Owned Coverage
  • All commercial coverage

Commercial vehicle insurance also offers special benefits together with customized coverage, discounts, competitive rates, extraordinary claims service and so many more.

Commercial Auto Insurance Protects:

  • Business Autos
  • Trucks
  • Trailers


They can also regulate your insurance plan to reproduce seasonal alterations to keep your charges low as well as your coverage stable.

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Workers’ Compensation

Workers' Compensation


The workers’ compensation plan generally recognized as the workers’ comp also. It covers medical costs as well as a share of lost salaries for the workers who become ill or wounded during the work. Coverage also consists of employee restoration as well as death benefits.

How Does It Work?

Each state has its very own one of a kind arrangement of workers’ compensation laws that businesses must pursue. These guidelines help guarantee that businesses give inclusion to the expense of business-related wounds or word related infections, paying little heed to representative carelessness.

A worker can possibly get benefits if their damage or ailment identifies with their activity obligations or business. Workers’ comp protection could cover wounds brought about by lifting overwhelming hardware, slipping on a wet or slick surface, or continuing damage because of flames or blasts.


In the event that a representative isn’t acting inside the extent of their business and gets harmed, workers’ compensation protection won’t cover them.

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Business Owners Policy (BOP)

Business Owners Policy


Business owners’ insurance is likewise known as the BOP insurance plan. It combines both liability coverage and property coverage into a single package. It is common among various medium and small-sized industries such as wholesalers, restaurants, contractors, and retail stores.

Business Owners Policy (BOP) Coverage

The business owner’s policy (BOP) comprises of 2 primary coverage. These coverage are as follow:

Liability Coverage

The liability coverage accessible on a Business Owners Policy (BOP) is the equivalent as those on a common liability plan. This consists of defense against liabilities such as property damage, and customer injury, product-related claims, and advertising injury.

A Business Owners Policy (BOP) of Progressive Business Insurance does not cover your workers. You will require a distinct employee compensation plan.

Property Coverage

Gives inclusion to business structures and the portable property claimed by and utilized for the business – alluded to as business individual property. It can likewise pay for different things like flotsam and jetsam evacuation, loss of pay and contamination cleanup as a feature of a secured misfortune.

A Business Owners Policy (BOP) arrangement from Progressive Business Insurance, as most different approaches, has certain inclusion avoidances that you ought to know about.


On the off chance that you need security for something that isn’t secured, arrangement supports may be accessible to expand inclusion.

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