LIC Children’s Money Back Plan

maturity paid up sum lic children's money back plan

LIC Children’s Money Back Plan is participating non-linked money back plan. This plan is specially designed to meet the educational, marriage, and other needs of growing children through Survival Benefits. In addition, it provides for the risk cover on the life of a child during the policy term and for several survival benefits on surviving to the end of the specified duration.

LIC New Children’s Money Back plan provides a risk cover on the life of the child and not of the parent or grandparent. So, it really does not secure the child’s future in case of the death of the parent or the grandparent. This is more of an investment plan keeping in mind the needs of the child when they become 25 years old.

Overview Of LIC Children’s Money Back Plan

premium waiver benefit rider

LIC’s New Children’s Money Back Plan is a non-linked taking an interesting money back arrangement from the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The arrangement is explicitly planned and tweaked to deal with advanced education, dream wedding, and different necessities of kids through the Survival Benefits of the approach.

Furthermore, the LIC new children’s money back arrangement accommodates the danger cover on the existence of a kid during the strategy term and for different advantages on getting by till the finish of the predetermined approach length.

It is an old-style cash-back technique basically intended to meet the necessities and requirements of the kids through endurance benefits. These requirements could change from one kid to the next like instructive necessities, concentrating abroad, marriage, etc.

The LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan likewise offers the danger cover upon the existence of the kid inside the approach time frame and furthermore for the number of endurance benefits after making due till the finish of a specific span.

The LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan can be purchased either by the grandparents or the guardians of the youngster matured between 0 to 12 years old. In the least complex words, it is a protection cum venture plan that will be useful to get the splendid eventual fate of the kid.

On the reason of the exhibition of the arrangement, this taking an interesting plan is moreover qualified for the reward too. The great explanation that the LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan stays a liked and lavish decision for the guardians or the grandparents is that it gives monetary security to the youngster as long as 25 years old to achieve their achievements by offering them a single amount sum alongside development.

Youngsters are viewed as the eventual fate of any country. Subsequently, it is of most extreme significance to have very much arranged monetary security so that money isn’t a boundary between the kid and the fantasies.

Allow us to dive into the subtleties of the LIC New Children Money Back Plan.

Features Of LIC New Children’s Money Back:

tax benefits final additional bonus

Recorded beneath are the significant highlights of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:

Plan Type: Participating in the non-linked money-back scheme.

Premium Payment Frequency: Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.

Grace period:

  • 15 days for the monthly payment option.
  • 30 days for other payment modes.

Basic Sum assured:

  • Minimum – Rs 1 lakh
  • Maximum – No upper limit

Policy coverage:

  • Death benefit
  • Maturity benefit
  • Survival benefit

Other Features

basic sum assured and premiums paid

This arrangement is exposed to one individual basically at one time and is a non-linked cash-back arrangement for the kids growing up.

The beauty period or installments postponed could contrast from the superior installment recurrence. On the off chance that an individual is paying month to month so the elegance time frame will be roughly 15 days. In the event of some other frequencies, it may go as long as 30 days.

From the date of procurement, the LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan can be returned within 15 days.

The LIC New Children’s Money Back arrangement offers endurance advantage, development advantage, and passing advantage.

The arrangement could be given up once the installment of expenses for a very long time is finished. Under such a circumstance, the worth of giving up will be the finished rate worth of all the charges that have been paid till date that will be avoided from the subterranean insect of the expenses that have been paid extra and if any exceptional rider esteems the endurance advantage, which is expected and surprisingly then payable to the protected.

An individual can pay the LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan premium on a yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, or month-to-month premise according to the accommodation. Additionally, the guaranteed could likewise search for credits from this arrangement.

The policy period is on the reason of the development age that is 25 years old less the time of passage. For example, when the time of passage is 9 years then the period will be 25-9= 16 years.

The likelihood of acquiring a high aggregate guaranteed discount is the reason for the refund mode. In the event that the mode is half-yearly then it will be 1% of the plan premium. In the event that the mode is yearly, then, at that point, it will be 2% of the even premium. The discounts are not payable for a month-to-month and quarterly mode.

An individual could likewise pick the exceptional waiver advantage rider choice, which infers that in the event that the safeguarded dies, the leftover expenses will be deferred.

The development advantage will similarly be the finished amount of the base aggregate guaranteed when the arrangement is purchased alongside the rewards as pertinent.

The total guaranteed would run preferably from Rs 1, 00,000 up to most elevated of no predefined furthest breaking point.

In the event that, under 2 years’ charges have been properly paid and any of the ensuing expenses are not paid, then, at that point advantages will stop inside the arrangement after the elegance time frame lapses from the date of starting neglected premium that amounts to nothing will be payable.

For the situation where the ensuing installments are not properly paid and the expenses are totally cleared for a very long time, then, at that point, the LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan offers settled up esteem until the finish of the approach time frame. Inside this, it won’t be treated as a void and for the most part be decreased to beneath explicit plans:

Sum Assured Upon Maturity

The entirety guaranteed upon development inside the settled up approach will be decreased and alluded to as development settled up total guaranteed and will be comparable to the aggregate guaranteed upon the development adding the total amount of endurance benefits payable inside the arrangement and afterward duplicated by the all-out period proportion for that the top-notch that has been paid to the most noteworthy period and the expenses are payable initially and afterward diminished by the total amount of endurance benefits that are now paid inside the arrangement comprehensive the conceded endurance advantage.

Sum Assured Upon Demise

The entirety guaranteed upon destruction inside the arrangement will be decreased and alluded to as ‘death settled up total guaranteed’ and be identical to the total guaranteed upon downfall that will be increased by the complete period proportion for that the exceptional that has been paid to the most elevated time frame and the expenses are payable initially.

Eligibility Criteria Of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:

lic's new children's money guaranteed surrender value

Minimum entry age: From birth

Maximum entry age: 12 years

Age at Maturity: 25 years

Exclusions Of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:

high sum assured rebate income tax act

  • If the Life Assured commits suicide at any time within 12 months from the date of commencement of risk, the Corporation will not entertain any claim under this policy except for 80% of the premiums paid excluding any taxes and extra premium, if any, provided the policy is in force. This clause shall not be applicable in case of age at entry of the Life Assured is below 8 years.
  • If the Life Assured commits suicide within 12 months from the date of revival, an amount higher than 80% of the premiums paid until the date of death or the surrender value shall be payable. The Corporation will not entertain any other claim under this policy. This clause shall not be applicable: a) in case the age of the Life Assured is below 8 years at the time of revival or b) for a policy lapsed without acquiring paid-up value and nothing shall be payable under such policies.

Benefits of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan:

paid up policy premium payments

Here are the benefits of LIC New Children’s Money Back Plan…

Maturity Benefit:

A maturity benefit equivalent to the sum assured and all bonuses accrued during this period will be paid.

Survival Benefit:

A survival benefit, equivalent to 20% of the basic sum assured will be paid when the life assured reaches certain age milestones.

Death Benefit:

In the unfortunate event of the life assured passing away after risk commencement while the policy is in force, the sum assured on death and any accrued bonuses will be paid.

Paid-up value

Assuming somewhere around 3 entire years’ charges have been paid, this strategy will proceed as a settled-up approach.

The Basic Sum Assured under the approach will be diminished to such a total, hit Paid-up Sum Assured and will bear a similar proportion to the Basic Sum Assured as the charges paid bears to the all outnumber of expenses payable for example Essential Sum Assured *(number of expenses paid/number of charges payable).

This Paid-up Sum Assured alongside vested straightforward reversionary rewards (assuming any), is payable on development or passing.

Corporation Profits:guaranteed surrender insurance cum investment plan

Policyholders are eligible to participate in profits earned by LIC, earning bonuses through the same.

Surrender Value:

Individuals can surrender the policy (after completion of 3 years) to get an assured surrender value.


A lapsed strategy can be restored inside a time of 2 successive years from the date of the main neglected premium however before the finish of strategy term on the installment of all the overdue debts of premium along with premium (building half-yearly) at such rate as fixed by the backup plan.


LIC provides a rebate on high premium amounts, helping one save money.


One can avail a loan under this policy, helping them cater to emergencies.


This plan has several benefits. But there are some exclusions too. In the event of self-destruction submitted inside a year of strategy initiation just 80% of charges paid are gotten back to the chosen one if the Life Assured was matured over 8 years.

If there should be an occurrence of self-destruction inside a year of recovery, a higher than 80% of expenses paid or procured Surrender Value is paid if the Life Assured was matured over 8 years and the arrangement had gained a settled up esteem


child insurance plans premium paying term

Q. What is LIC’s new children’s Money Back Plan?

A. The LIC’s New Children’s Cash Back Plan is a conventional cashback arrangement basically intended to address the issues and necessities of the developing kids by means of endurance benefits. These necessities could fluctuate from one youngster to the next like instructive requirements, concentrating abroad, marriage, etc.

Q. Which LIC plan is best for the child?

A. There are several LIC policies that are good for children. One among them is the children’s money-back plan from LIC.

Q. Which LIC plan gives maximum returns?

A. LIC provides a wide variety of life insurance plans designed to offer higher returns. One of them is the children’s money-back plan from LIC

Q. Is the LIC money-back plan good?

A. As indicated by the expense and venture specialists, the LIC Money Back Policy falls under the EEE (absolved excluded) class, which implies a financial backer has the advantage of getting personal tax reductions on their LIC Policy premium installments, premium procured on it, and the development basic sum assured.

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