Five Year Plan In India | Economic Planning

five year plan in India


For the rapid and overall economic development of the country, proper planning of future development plans is necessary. On March 15, 1950, the Central Government set up the Planning Commission at the national level to formulate economic plans and evaluate progress in our country. This plan is famous as the five year plan in India.

The plans made by the Commission are discussed in the National Development Council. The National Development Council was formed on 6 August 1952 as a non-statutory (non-constitutional) body by cabinet resolution. It is headed by the Prime Minister. After approval of the plans by the National Development Council, it is presented to Parliament for approval. This draft takes the form of a plan after the approval of Parliament.

At the state level, the State Planning Department is responsible for the formulation, control, and evaluation of schemes and for advising the government on matters related to them. A State Planning Board has been set up in the state under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister to assist in this task. The Chief Minister’s Economic Advisory Council has been formed in March 2015 by disbanding the Planning Board in the state. It usually headed by the Chief Minister.

The 12th Five-Year Plan 2012 -17 had ended on 31 March 2017, but give a six-month extension to the last five-year plan for the ministries to handle their operations.

With the completion of its period, this major component of Nehru’s socialism had eradicated. The new system will have a three-year action plan that will be part of the seven-year strategy paper and the 15-year vision document.

History Of Five Year Plan In India


History Of Five Year Plan In India:

The Five Year Plans are centralized as well as combined the national financial programs. And then Joseph Stalin had implemented the 1st five-year plan in the Soviet Union in 1928. Thus most communist states, as well as many capitalist countries, adopted them later.

Both China and India continue to use the five-year plans, although China then renamed its 11th Five-Year Plan from 2006 to 2010. It was a guideline rather than a plan to indicate a more pragmatic approach to the development of the central government.

India started its first five-year plan in 1951, soon after their independence under that of the socialist impact of Jawaharlal Nehru the 1st Prime Minister of India.

The First Five-Year Plan had the most noteworthy in light of the fact that it had a noteworthy job in the dispatch of Indian development after the freedom of India.

In this way, it capably bolstered rural creation and furthermore propelled the nation’s industrialization (however not exactly the subsequent arrangement, which concentrated on overwhelming enterprises). This made an uncommon framework for an incredible job for the open area (alongside a rising welfare state) just as a developing private division (spoken to by certain characters as distributers of the Bombay Plan).

All Five Year Plans of India


All Five Year Plans of India

After independence, India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru carried forward the socialist economic model. Jawaharlal Nehru took many important economic decisions, including the beginning of the Five Year Plan.

In 1951, the foundation of the first five-year plan had laid and thus the Planning Commission then formed. Jawaharlal Nehru introduced the first five-year plan in Parliament on 8 December 1951 and set a target of 2.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) at that time.

First Five Year Plan (1956 – 61)

In this scheme, with a view to alleviating the food crisis in the country, 31% of the total revenue allocation had given to the agriculture sector. As a result of which the average annual production was 67 lakh tons against the target of 62 lakh tons i.e. 2.71%

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Second Five-Year Plans (1956 – 61)

Allocated 20% of the total expenditure in this scheme to agriculture, as a result of which there was a decrease in productivity growth in the agriculture sector in this scheme, was 3.17%.

Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)

Special priority had given to agriculture again. In this scheme, special attention had given to the agriculture district program and high yielding varieties under intensive agriculture program. But due to severe drought, the plan was not completely successful. And thus it gave the state of war


The new scheme could not be started from the year 1966 to 1969, so at the same time, the Green Revolution was launched, with the growth rate in the agriculture sector being -0.73%. This was the lowest among all the schemes whereas the Green Revolution led to three annual plans (1967- 69) The growth rate in agriculture was 4.16%.

The Fourth Five-Year Plan (1969 to 74)

It had started with a special emphasis on research. And thus the use of science and technology in this agriculture sector, in which 22% of the total plan expenditure had allocated to the agriculture sector. The growth rate in the agriculture sector in the Fourth Five-Year Plan was only 2.57%

Fifth Five Year Plan (1974 to 79)

15% of the total outlay from this scheme had allocated to the agricultural sector. Overall, the production of food grains exceeded the actual production target from the First Five Year Plan to the Fifth Five Year Plan (excluding the Third Plan). The target was 15.2 million tons while the production exceeded the target of 1840 million tons. This situation had described by some scholars as to the Second Green Revolution. Total 28.3% were in the agricultural sector in Jana

Sixth Five-Year Plan (1980-85)

The second phase of the Green Revolution started with this plan. In this, the emphasis had laid on greater investment and management in the agriculture sector. The growth rate in total agriculture sector under this scheme was 2.52%.

Seventh Five Year Plan (1985 to 90)

The production of all crops except cotton was more than the target. Under this scheme, 3.47% growth rate had found in the agriculture sector.

Eighth Five-Year Plan (1992 -97)

The growth rate in the agriculture sector was 4.68% in the Eighth Five-Year Plan.

Ninth Five Year Plan (1997 to 2002)

This plan had considered being unsuccessful in relation to agriculture. During this period the growth rate in agriculture was only 2.02%.

Tenth Five Year Plan (2002 -07)

The National Agriculture Policy, 2000 had adopted in this plan with a special focus on the management of resources like soil, health, and water. And thus the annual growth rate of the agriculture sector in this scheme was 2 .3%

Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007 to 12)

The scheme set important targets such as increasing agricultural productivity, reducing population pressure on job-generating land, and reducing parity in rural areas and the annual target of 4% increase in agriculture in this scheme had scheduled.

12th Five-Year Plan (2012 to 17)

The 12th Five-Year Plan and the vision paper of Indian agriculture have set a target of 4% annual growth rate in the agricultural sector. Out of which annual growth in compost agricultural product is 2%. And thus annual growth in non-compost agricultural product 6.

In the approach paper, 5% had kept declaring that technology is the engine of agricultural development. And thus the special emphasis had given to agricultural research.

Special emphasis had given on the development of agriculture. As well as special measures had talked about to reach the farmers of the market.