How to safeguard your family during COVID-19?

Coronavirus has been wreaking havoc around the world. It has taken a huge death toll and has left the entire world crippled in its wake. We are still in the grips of this pandemic, and we are still vulnerable to this virus. 

With the economy slowing down and every part of the world being hit badly by this pandemic, it is very important to safeguard your family’s health and wealth.

What simple measure can we take to secure our family’s future and keep us safe during these testing times?

  • Closely monitor health advice from authorities – Always stay up to date on advice given by local and national authorities on the pandemic. Follow their advice closely, co-operate with the health workers, and communicate any critical information you might have with the concerned authorities. Ensure you and your family members follow the same. This will help us keep the spread of virus in check in our own community. Do not flaunt the rules.
  • Get a health insurance policy that covers Pandemic (COVID-19)– With the count of the infected persons rising all around the world and countries relaxing their strict norms, it is best to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Do a thorough research on the best Health Insurance Plans in India for Family and get the policy. This way even if you are infected with the virus, you will be able to afford the right medical support without worrying about the financial side of it.
  • Try to maintain social distancing within your home – If you have the luxury of enough rooms, try to stay in specific rooms rather than staying in one single room. If there are elderly members and small kids in your house, it is better to keep your distance from them. It is all the more important to do this if you go out often for necessities. Ensure that the vulnerable groups are always protected.
  • Only let the healthiest member of your family go shopping- If you need to step out of the home for buying groceries and other necessities, only let the healthiest member in the family go. Do not let vulnerable group members such as the senior citizens and kids run errands.
  • Do not share toiletries with other members of the family– Have designated soap, brush and towels for each member of the family. Avoid sharing them with everyone. Viruses spread through these mediums from one person to another.
  • Closely monitor the health of your loved ones – Ensure you keep monitoring the health statuses of everyone in the family. If anyone shows any symptoms, first try to ascertain whether they are indeed related to COVID-19 using a COVID symptoms checker online.

If your symptoms look severe enough then alert your nearest authorities and take advice from them on how to move forward. If the health authorities insist on going to the hospital make sure you call ahead at the hospital and let them know of your doubts so the hospital can be better prepared for your arrival.

  • Promote fitness regimes for your family members – Indulge in physical exercise that you can do at home like push-ups, planks, yoga etc which will keep your physical health in check. It is important to exercise your body to improve your immune system. If you live in a safe community, it is also okay to venture out for walks and runs within its boundaries.
  • Give equal importance to mental health – Coronavirus has also had adverse effects on the mental health of many. Talk to your loved ones and have a time-out session with them with board games, movies and stories. You can also get on video calls with your relatives. It will help improve your mental health and will make you feel more connected. Also, tune down the amount of news and social media coverages and listen to only authentic and verified resources.
  • Avoid unnecessary appointments – Dissuade guests from visiting your homes and keep yourself and family members stay put at home. Do not visit doctors and hospitals unless it is absolutely necessary. Hospitals would be having potential coronavirus patients and they could easily spread the virus if we are not careful enough.

Educate family members on the need for cleanliness – Last but not least, keep washing your hands and maintain general cleanliness. Educate everyone at your home about the importance of this. Ensure they go out with masks and hand sanitizers. Strictly follow these guidelines.